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Procentive Ideas Portal
Status Completed
Categories Billing/Claims
Created by Karla Johnson
Created on Oct 21, 2020

Diagnosis functionality / Billing Residential calendar

Use the full functionality of the Client, Diagnosis tab in conjunction with billing Residential claims. Right now, when I bill from the Residential calendar, it appears to pull all available diagnoses, regardless of active/inactive, program, date range, etc. It would be extremely useful if it only pulled diagnoses with a matching program name or date range. This would allow for full use of the Diagnosis tab's functionality/capacity for a full history, without creating a burden for the billers of having to weed through duplicates or diagnoses that don't pertain to the billing at hand.
    Sep 25, 2024
    Hi Karla, Thank you for the submission. We are happy to announce this is included in our Enhancements release this Wednesday (April 14). You can find more information on our Live Updates page or in the Release Notes on KHub. Best, Ashley
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  • Karla Johnson
    Apr 22, 2021
    Hi Ashley! This is exciting! Today is my first day really working with this feature - are the diagnoses listed on the calendar limited to ones with "Active" status in the Diagnosis tab? I'm enjoying the functionality so far - thank you!